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Rocky Fitzsimmons Appointed State Senator


On December 26, 2012, Governor Earl Ray Tomblin appointed Fitzsimmons Law Firm attorney Robert "Rocky" Fitzsimmons as Senator of the 1st Senatorial District. Rocky was officially sworn in on January 7, 2013 with the oath of office being administered by Supreme Court Justice Robin Jean Davis. The 1st Senatorial District is comprised of Hancock, Brooke, and Ohio Counties and a part of Marshall County. Rocky was selected by Senate President Jeffrey Kessler as Vice-Chairmen of the Banking and Insurance Committee and to also be serve on the Judiciary, Labor, Enrolled Bills, Government Organization, Military, and Transportation and Infrastructure Committees.

Rocky is humbled and honored by his appointment. "I would like to thank Governor Tomblin for allowing me to serve teh citizens of West Virginia as one of our State Senators," said Rocky Fitzsimmons. "I will work tirelessly to represent the residents of my district to the best of my ability and will strive to improve the quality of life throughout West Virginia. My background in law and biomedical engineering, will allow me to bring a unique perspective to the legislature."

The 81st West Virginia Legislature convened on January 9, 2013 for its first session but has adjourned until Wednesday, February 13, 2013.
